The Henry FAQ by Rune Jacobsen Last updated July 19th 1998 ================================================================================ Contents 1 This document 1.1 About the FAQ 1.2 Where to get it 2 General Henry info 2.1 Why "Henry" ? 2.2 How is it compared to other bots? 2.3 Henry on the Internet 3 Henry problems 3.1 Network problems 3.2 Misc problems 3.3 Programming problems 3.4 Configuration problems ================================================================================ 1. This document 1.1 About the FAQ This FAQ is currently maintained by Rune Jacobsen. The goal is to have a nice collection of common questions, problems and solutions in one central place so that everyone can locate them easily. 1.2 Where to get it Currently, the best place to get the FAQ is at the Henry web page located at - It's in the public Henry archive. ================================================================================ 2 General Henry info 2.1 Why "Henry" ? There have been a lot of trends going trough software naming recently. On the Amiga we have seen Magic#?, Am#? and Ami#?, and in the Microsoft controlled world one trend has been to name things after places. I just thought "Well, a name is a name." So a name it is. Oh, and it was the name of the first commander of the 4077 M*A*S*H, who died, which was sad. 2.2 How is it compared to other bots? As Henry is still in a relatively early beta version, we have not been making any in-depth comparisons against any other bots yet. 2.3 Henry on the Internet The Official Henry WWW Page: Technical support email address: IRC: Look for Shitlips in Undernet #Henry or on ARCnet News: The author reads comp.sys.amiga.programmer semi-regularly ================================================================================ 3 Henry problems 3.1 Network problems Q: How come Henry fails so many connections before it manages to log on to a server? A: There are two possible reasons for this. Both are related to the username you have configured your Henry to use. The first explanation is that you are already logged on to the IRC server with the same username with your IRC client. Some servers do not allow multiple connections from one user@host (to avoid clonebots etc.). The second solution is that you use Miami, and you have confiugured Henry to use another username than the one configured in Miami's TCP/IP-settings. The reason this is a problem is that most IRC servers use the identd authentication daemon to verify that Henry indeed is who he claims to be, and then won't let him in because the username is a "fake". The best solution to these two problems is to let Henry use the username configured in Miami and use separate servers for Henry and your IRC client. Q: Why does Henry stop working for a while when issuing an Aminet find request? A: Currently, DNS lookups are performed in Henry's main process. When the host name doesn't exist in the TCP/IP stack or DNS server cache, it has to be done over the net. This can be a bit slow. The first time Henry looks up the Aminet server, it will be locked. This will be solved by a subprocess handling DNS lookups etc. in the future. 3.2 Misc. problems Q: Henry is brain damaged! I know has been on while Henry has been online, yet when I use the "Seen" command he says he doesn't exist in the user database! A: To save on the database size, Henry does not automatically add everyone who joins the channel to the database. This must be done by either adding an entry in the Config/Users file manually, or by using AddUser / AddMask while Henry is online. In future Henries there will be a possibility for new users to automatically add themselves to the userlist at default access / file levels (much like Eggdrop's "hello" command). Q: Why are there no docs? A: Because they take time to write. That's something I don't have very much of right now. Q: But how do I set up my commands? A: Study Config/Commands. It really isn't that hard, although I agree, docs are definately needed. Soon, I promise. Q: Can I be a beta tester? A: No. Q: Please? A: No! Q: How come Henry doesn't work on <#?>net? A: There are incredible amounts of IRC networks popping up all around. Henry is mainly tested on Undernet, but should work with most of them. However, there are of course some networks that run modified IRC-servers that requires additional login information to be sent or has specially modified commands/return codes that Henry knows nothing about. If you encounter one of these, please let me know at the Henry support address so I can look into it. 3.3 Programming problems Q: One of Henry's ARexx commands doesn't do what it should. What do I do? A: Please mail your script along with comments on how to reproduce the error to - I'll see what I can do. Q: How do I make my own plugin for Henry? A: Until the API documentation is ready, this will probably require some initiative and experience on your part. What I can say is that you have to link your code with HPL.o as the FIRST object, and no compiler startup code. Also, you have to open all libraries yourself, except exec, dos and graphics. When the Henry initialization stuff is done, the plugin code will call main() in your code. I hope to have some docs on this fairly soon. 3.4 Configuration problems Q: I have DefaultLevel set to 100, and I have an ARexx script with PublicAccess set to 100, but the users with level 100 can't see the results of the command in public!? A: You actually have to have an access level _higher_ than PublicAccess of the command to see the result in public. Lower the PublicAccess level of the command. Q: How can I make Henry join several channels at once? A: There is no way to do this (that will work properly) currently. Until otherwise announced, Henry is a single channel bot ONLY. I know there are ways to make it join several channels, but I also know that this WILL mess up lots of internal stuff, so stay away from it.